Dientes de Perforación

Type: Round Shank Chisel 

Raw Material: Tungsten Carbide (42CrMo)

Used for: Rock Drilling Bucket, Core Barrel, Conical and Flat Rock Auger

Model: B47K19H, B47K22H, C31...etc. 

Applicable Formation: Loosening water-bearing cohesive and non-cohesive soils, or drilling in strong/middle/weak weathered rock of foundation piles.

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Roller bits are mainly used for rotary bored piles core barrel, eg: core barrel with roller bits, cross cutter core barrel, double layers or triple layers core barrel or other special core barrels. Compared with round shank chisels ( Tungsten carbide bullet teeth), the cutter strength, the cutting efficiency and the wear resistance of roller bits are much higher than bullet teeth. Therefore, core barrel with roller bits are much more suitable for hard rock coring bored piles foundation job. 
Usually there are three kinds of roller bits:

New practical and regular handle


1-Easy to weld. The arc arched back is used to strengthen the structural strength, lengthen the distance between the shaft diameter and the welding area, effectively increase the heat dissipation area; 

2-Reasonably place cutting, The cutting groove is optimized by this kind of JZTG roller bit body, which is convenient for the discharge of rock slag, and has a good cutting speed for medium hard and brittle rocks; 

3-Special O-shaped rubber ring, fully sealed sliding bearing, effectively prevent the wear of the bearing from sediment; 

4-Built-in bearing The oil storage bag of JZTG roller bit realizes the self-pressure compensation of the bearing lubricating oil;

5-Large shaft embedded in wear-resisting alloy, effectively reduce bearing pair wear, improve bearing life.

Detachable palm handle


1-Add bearing base, bolt installation and fixation, zero damage to the cone during welding, more convenient to replace the cone during construction

2-The roller bits cone are reasonable arranged, and the wheel body optimizes the cutting groove, which is convenient for rock slag.

3-Special O-shaped rubber ring and fully sealed sliding bearing can effectively prevent the wear of sediment to the bearing; 

4-Built-in bearing oil storage bag to realize bearing self-pressure compensation lubricating oil, so as to solve the problem of poor bearing lubrication and short service life;

5-The large shaft is embedded with wear-resistant alloy, which effectively reduces the wear of the bearing pair and improves the service life of the bearing.

The traditional three-cone type palm handle


1-Adopts arc arched back and widened palm body to strengthen the structural strength, lengthen the distance between the shaft diameter and the welding area, effectively reduce the welding process. this model has a traditional appearance, and the user has a high awareness of the appearance; 

2-The full coverage method of tooth distribution, optimized cutting structure and tooth distribution method ensure full coverage of the roller bit cone chisel surface; 

3-The special O-shaped rubber ring and the fully sealed sliding bearing of our roller bit can effectively prevent the wear of the bearing from the sediment; 

4-The built-in bearing oil storage bag of JZTG roller bits can realize the self-pressure compensation of the bearing lubricating oil, so as to solve the problem of poor bearing lubrication and short life;

5-Large The shaft is embedded with wear-resistant alloy, which effectively reduces the wear of the bearing pair and improves the service life of the bearing.
Roller bits as one kind of drilling teeth are the accessory used in drilling core barrel tools. Core barrel with roller bits are mainly used for rock coring. JZTG core barrels can be suitable for 80-200Mpa hardness rock coring of foundation piles.

For other details contact JZTG freely.


Part No. Name Standard Pin Size (API REG)
5 1/2’’,5 7/8’’, 6 1/2’’ Roller Bit 3 1/2’’
8 1/2’’ Roller Bit 4 1/2’’
12 1/4’’, 12 1/2’’  Roller Bit 6 5/8’’
17 1/2’’ Roller Bit 7 5/8’’


Dientes de Perforación
Dientes de Perforación
Dientes de Perforación
Dientes de Perforación
Dientes de Perforación
Dientes de Perforación
Dientes de Perforación
Dientes de Perforación


Dientes de Perforación
Dientes de Perforación
Dientes de Perforación
Dientes de Perforación
Dientes de Perforación
Dientes de Perforación
BaldeBalde Para SueloBalde ArcilleroBalder Para ArcillaBote ArcilleroBote Para ArcillaBalde Perforación Tipo BucketBalde Perforación Doble Fondo Tipo BucketBaldes PerforadoresBalde Para Fundaciones De Pilotes.Balde De Cimentaciones ProfundasBalde De Pilotaje Tipo KellyBalde Para Perforaciones De PilotajeÚtiles De PerforaciónHerramientas De Cimentaciones ProfundasBalde Para Fundaciones De PilotesCazos Fundaciones Y PilotesCazo RotativoBalde Para RocaBote Para RocaCazo Para RocaHerramienta De PerforaciónCazo Para SueloCazo Para ArcillaCazo ArcilleroCortadorBote CoronaCarrotierCorona DentadaBote Corona PerforacionBotes Corona Para PerforadorasBote Corona Roller BitsHélice Conica Para RocaBroca Conica Para RocaMecha ConicaMechas Helicoidal Para Suelos RocososMechas Para PerforaciónBarrena Para RocaHélice Plana Para SueloBroca Plana Para SueloMecha Plana Para SueloMechas Plana Para PerforaciónBarrena Para SueloHélice Para ArenaBroca Para ArenaMecha Para ArenaBarrena Para ArenaHélice Plana Para RocaBroca Plana Para RocaMecha PlanaBarrena Plana Para RocaBalde CentrífugoBote CentrífugoCazo CentrífugoDientes De PerforaciónDientes De TungstenoDientes Para CimentacionesDientes Y PortadientesDiente PlanoPicas Y PortapicasPicas De PerforaciónPicas Para CimentacionesDientes De BalaDientes Y Portadientes De Carburo De TungstenoDientes Para PilotajeDientes B47kPicas B47kDientes C31Picas C31Dientes Ws39Picas Ws39Portapicas De PerforaciónPortapicas Para CimentacionesPortadientes Para CimentacionesBotes Para Perforación De RocaBotes Para Perforación De TierraBote De Corte De NúcleoBrocas De Diente BalaBrocas De Diente PlanoBroca Para TierraPerforaciónPilotajeBalde AbocardadoCubo De CampanaPozoPila De AlgoFundaciónConstrucciónWs39Ws46Sh35Bloques ReemplazablesBarras De Cambio RápidoRevestimiento De Los Dientes De Los ZapatosDientes De La CarcasaDientes De CuboBfz162Bfz70Fzh70Bfz72Fzh72Bfz79Fzh79Bfz80Fzh80Dientes PlanosDientes De BauerDiente De BauerSerie BfzDiente De CuboCucharón De Perforación De Fondo Expandido Para PilotesCubo De Perforación De Fondo Para Pilotes De AgrandamientoCuchara De Perforación ExpandibleRp4-200Rp4hBit PilotoBrocas PilotoBits PilotoBrocas Piloto De BarrenaBarrena PilotoBrocas Piloto De CuboCubo Piloto BrocaBote De CorteColombia Bote De CorteBote De Corte ChileBote De Corte ItalyBalde De PerforaciónBalde De Perforación ColombiaBalde De Perforación ChileBalde De Perforación SpainBaldes De RocaBaldes De Roca ColombiaBaldes De Roca ChileBaldes De Roca SpainBaldes De PerforaciónBaldes De BarroBaldes SuelosBaldes Suelos ColombiaBaldes Suelos ChileBaldes Suelos SpainFábrica Baldes SuelosBaldes Suelos ChinaBaldes De TierraBaldes De Tierra ColombiaBaldes De Tierra ChileBaldes De Tierra SpainBalde De ArcillaBalde De Arcilla Colombia]Balde De Arcilla ChileBalde De Arcilla SpainBalde Para TierraBalde De SueloBalde De TierraBalde De BarrenaCubo De BarrenaBaldes GiratorioCubo Para Taladro De ArcillaBalde Para Taladro De ArcillaBaldes ArcilleroCubo De TierraSinfinesBalde TaladrosBarrenasBalde Barrenas

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